The design begins the moment a traveler sets foot in Amasra. It is located on the island where one can see as they land on…
Seamos, Amatris, Çesm-i Cihan and Amasra… The site is multi-layered. The selected site is in the space between the Amasra Castle and a hill, there…
For the area below the Ankara Castle and surrounding the existing archeological site consisting of a roman amphitheater and ruins. This involves several types of…
In 2019 fall semester the building design and program was for a Water front redevelopment and University Campus, and the hypothetical site was the shoreline…
ARCH 401 Design Studio is intended for students in the fourth year Architecture program, and focuses on Architectural design, technology, integrated design and historic preservation…
In 2018 fall semester the building design and program was for a Nautical and Aquatic Exploration and Production Center, and the hypothetical site was the…
Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY
Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402