The Odyssey

The design begins the moment a traveler sets foot in Amasra. It is located on the island where one can see as they land on the ground from the bus and lifts their gaze up for the first time. The building is shaped and formed as if it is an extent of the geographical features of the island where the materials represent the layers of history. It represents a place that can be considered as a destination point after a journey within the layers of history. This experience continues in a sublime spatial form from the entry of the building that takes one to a narrative through history from the present of Amasra to the peak of the island that reflects the very past and finally Amasra as a whole.

Author: Meriç Erdoğan
Studio: Arch 401, Fall 2021
Glenn Kukkola

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402