
  • Unifying Layers

    Unifying Layers

    Bilkent Department of Architecture is hosting archeolog Yiğit Özar for his presentation on the conservation of the past and planning of the future while the…

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  • Building Information Modelling

    Building Information Modelling

    Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a new collaborative way of working methodology, underpinned by the digital technologies to unlock more efficient methods of designing, delivering…

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  • Cities and Islamisms

    Cities and Islamisms

    Department of Architecture and Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture are jointly organizing a one-day symposium entitled “Cities and Islamisms: The Politics and Production…

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  • Diagnostics in Conservation

    Diagnostics in Conservation

    The workshop is articulated into three sessions. The first is an introductory session devoted to present the aims of the work, to illustrate the schedule…

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  • Bilkent-Archip Collaborative Exhibition

    Bilkent-Archip Collaborative Exhibition

    ID. Bilkent Department of Architecture invites you to the joint exhibition of student works. The exhibition features selected projects for Praha 7 and a selection…

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  • Seminar Series on Educational Buildings

    Seminar Series on Educational Buildings

    ID Bilkent University Department of Architecture had the opportunity to host five distinguished academicians for a seminar series on educational buildings. This event series was…

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402