Bilkent-Archip Collaborative Exhibition

ID. Bilkent Department of Architecture invites you to the joint exhibition of student works. The exhibition features selected projects for Praha 7 and a selection of projects from our partner institution ARCHIP for Troia district in Prague.

Praha 7

Prague is on the cusp of change. Citizens, designers and planners are dissatisfied with the status quo, and urban transformation is being contemplated. Through the recent efforts of two new design activist organizations: ReSITE and UrbanACT, many urban mobility, infrastructural and open space deficiencies throughout the city are for the first time, being identified and discussed in a series of public fora. In Spring 2019 ID. Bilkent University Department of Architecture was invited to participate in this exciting urban revisioning movement.

The exhibited projects presents the student works that address the creation of a sustainable and livable urban fabric. The projects focus on the redevelopment of the abandoned rail yards and post-industrial waterfront of the Holešovice-Bubny district of Prague. The site is an important catalyst in the reimaging of Prague’s urban fabric with its economic potential, sheer scale, and proximity to the river Vlata. Its rich architectural culture, vibrant urban life and rich landscape present a perfect context for testing innovative ideas on architecture.

Studio Leaders:

Mark Paul Frederickson (Studio Coordinator),

Jesus Espinoza Alvarez,

Meral Özdengiz Başak,

Segah Sak,

Yiğit Acar.

Emergent Interventions

Installation for the Courtyard of the National Gallery in Prague

The exhibited projects present students research in the notion of emergence and its relation to architecture. As an output of the research, students have designed an intervention to the courtyard of the functionalist building of National Gallery in Prague. The interventions presented architectural structures, dynamic gallery spaces, follies or critical reevaluations of the role of art institutions in public life.

Studio Leader:

Shota Tsikoliya

Jesse Melchiskey
Joe Mihanovic
Tess Stilman
Arman Sufi, Biomimethic Links

A Pedestrian Bridge for Troja

The exhibition showcases students biomimethic research into natural solutions to lightweight structural systems and their applications to the design of pedestrian bridge for Troya. The proximity of the area to a Stromovka park, Zoological and Bothanical gardens and the Vltava river makes it perfect testing platform for the bold structural and aesthetic experiments.

Studio Leader: Shota Tsikoliya

Amberlynn Blankenship
Mariam Makaradze
Dina Mjåland

Date: 27 September-1 October 2019
Place: CerModern

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402