Eutierria: Interactive Watercolor Festival

Eutierria: Interactive Watercolor Festival aims to include people at every step of making an art piece. Attendees begin the festival by creating watercolor paint from the safe chemicals and plants in the greenhouse spaces with the help of the first artist, Ellie Irons. Visitors then choose whichever studio they will go to, portrait or plant-painting. In the portrait studio held by the second artist, Valentina Verlato, people paint volunteer attendees who would like to model. In the plant painting studio, people paint the surrounding plants they can easily view. Finally, the outcomes of the studios and artists’ works go on display in the exhibition area.

Author: Delfin Taşdelen
Studio: FA 102 Spring 2024
Sema Karamanoglu, Tahir Ayparlar

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Art Exhibition 1/50

Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402