Graduation Studio

Our world is changing rapidly and beset with developmental issues involving growth, sprawl, economic stagnation and stratification, a dearth of open space, congested transport, environmental degradation, as well as socio-cultural isolation. In our continuing search for “sustainable” design and planning solutions, we must consider an array of societal and urban issues.

Studio: 2020 Spring, ARCH 402
Mark Frederickson, Jesus Espinoza, Meral Özdengiz Başak, Yiğit Acar, Zeynep Öktem

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Project by: Orkhan Hasanov and Zeynep Oktem
Project by: Orkhan Hasanov and Zeynep Oktem
Project by: Orkhan Hasanov and Zeynep Oktem
Project by: Oyku Su Okkan and Zeynep Oktem
Project by: Oyku Su Okkan and Zeynep Oktem
Project by: Abdülmelik Şahin and Meral Özdengiz
Project by: Abdülmelik Şahin and Meral Özdengiz
Project by: Aslı Altun and Meral Özdengiz
Project by: Aslı Altun and Meral Özdengiz
Project by: Aslı Altun and Meral Özdengiz
Project by: Aslı Altun and Meral Özdengiz
Project by: Ceylin Karakaya and Meral Özdengiz
Project by: Ceylin Karakaya and Meral Özdengiz
Project by: Ceylin Karakaya and Meral Özdengiz
Project by: elif leblebici and zeynep öktem
Project by: elif leblebici and zeynep öktem
Project by: elif leblebici and zeynep öktem
Project by: Alev
Project by: Alev
Project by: Batuhan Bas
Project by:
Project by: Batuhan Bas
Project by: Batuhan Bas
Project by: Deniz Cakir
Project by: Deniz Cakir
Project by: Deniz Cakir
Project by: Houssame
Project by: Houssame
Project by: Houssame
Project by: İdil Dursun
Project by: İdil Dursun
Project by: Melek Kaynar
Project by: Melek Kaynar
Project by: Melek Kaynar
Project by: Melek Kaynar
Project by: Naz Kaplan
Project by: Naz Kaplan
Project by: Naz Kaplan
Project by: Sila Çelik
Project by: Sila Çelik
Project by: Sila Çelik
Project by: Yağmur Buğu Coşkun
Project by: Yağmur Buğu Coşkun
Project by: Yağmur Buğu Coşkun
Project by: Yağmur Buğu Coşkun
Project by: Yağmur Buğu Coşkun

Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402