The “HUB.” Sirkeci

The project addresses Sirkeci’s overwhelming density and spatial constraints by reimagining the streetscape. Instead of introducing another dense structure, the proposal envisions a “street” concept—elongated, multifunctional spaces offering rest areas, cultural activities, and enhanced pedestrian experiences. The event space acts as the city’s “lantern,” illuminating the area at night with a welcoming experience. A structural openness strategy is introduced through modular pavilions, which are designed for flexibility and adaptability, serving as exhibition spaces, festival controls, or performance stages while seamlessly linking indoor and outdoor environments. Performative openness allows the event spaces to adapt their functions dynamically between day and night, offering users varied experiences.

Author: Berru Doğa Nas
Studio: ARCH 401 Fall 2024
Ezgi İşbilen, Melis Sözen

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402