
The design focuses on polyvalence, allowing units and spaces to serve multiple functions. The podium level includes public facilities like gym, library, grocery store and a bazaar-like area with food stands and workspaces, encouraging social interaction.

The primary unit is a 5x10m rectangle with a central core for the wet spaces, enabling flexibility within the layouts. Secondary units can be added as 5x5m prisms, either at split levels or on the same level creating diverse spatial configurations.

Units are arranged around a courtyard, with varying elevations, providing privacy and sunlight. The layout fosters active use of the courtyard and encourages interaction. Facility blocks, gym, offices and cafes are linked by vertical cores, offering flexibility for future expansion. Circulation is through a central core and stairways, connected through corridors which connect residents to their homes and common spaces.

Author: Rengin Güler, Akif Ertuğrul Öztürk
Studio: ARCH 301 Fall 2024
B. Begüm Peker

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402