The design idea, Marking Existence, comes from Composition by Erol Akyavaş. In the artwork, the pyramid marks the existence of an essential thing, such as used in Ancient Egypt. In the design, different branches mark one specific volume in the centre of the design field, which has a similar shape to a dodecahedron, created by the combination and reputation of three distinct volumes inside of a dodecahedron-shaped design field. The radial organization system emphasizes the directionality and centre.
The branches include the same particular volumes but in various sizes ranging from 3-14 cm and multiple numbers, depending on the reputation of the two-square blue volume. Orange volumes of branches connect with each other from edge to edge at 108 degrees, which is the interior angle of a regular pentagon, and creates unity for all branch’s directions. The design’s colour scheme is split-complementary to emphasise the various volumes that repeat themselves all around the group and assign the colours to specific volumes.
In some branches, volumes collide with each other from one centimetre above the corner and regain a different purpose, similar to translucent plan elements, which create a flow between different branches. These two similar elements do not particularly mark the centre volume but emphasise the other elements’ purpose and alignments.
Author: Pınar Biçer
Studio: FA 101 Fall 2024
Instructor(s): Sema Karamanoğlu, Tahir Ayparlar