Co-Creation Hub

Eskişehir is an Anatolian city that is known for its industrial being and handmade crafts. Here the aim is to integrate them with creating a co-working space and ceramic atelier for locals. The brick chimney is referring to the industrial heritage of Eskişehir. It serves for ceramic atelier as an oven and becomes a fireplace in the courtyard. Building takes the flow of the street through the interior and let it flow inside that chimney, which shares the same axis with the core of the building. Spaces are not rigidly divided, allowing space to flow, this openness enhances the working capabilities of people. Each one will be aware of what’s happening to the other. Gallery spaces, level differences and platforms helped both to identify spaces and to create communication between them. Horizontal façade design let the linear brick chimney to show itself vertically. People who use the Porsuk River with boats will be facing the chimney after that transparent surface and steel construction, will start to think of the meaning behind that chimney.

Author: Aylin Coşkun
Studio: ARCH 202 Spring 2024
Segah Sak

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402