Eskişehir Gastronomy and Co-Working Project

The student population in Eskişehir is very high, and students prefer to cook at home for economical reasons. Therefore, the building provides gastronomy facilities and workshops in addition to co-working spaces. Gastronomy activities are located on the ground floor to create a lively atmosphere, while co-working spaces are situated on the upper floors to provide quiet areas.

Both of these activities are enhanced by a calm atmosphere created with natural elements. There are two green courtyards located on different sides of the building. Additionally, water pools are situated in such a way that people can observe natural conditions. For example, on rainy days, the water level in the pools will rise and brim over, while in summer, the water level will decrease, making people aware of global warming. This way, people will experience natural elements while they are working and learning.

Author: Sıdıka Tuba Öztürk
Studio: ARCH 202 Spring 2024
Alp Giray Köse

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402