Plants Laboratory & Coworking Space Collaboration

As the area around the site lacks green environment and has some air pollution issues, the project aims to increase the amount of green environments, by studying the patterns of plants growth, in the neighborhood. Such a specific collaboration also positively affects the users of coworking spaces, as the project has a number of greenhouses and green atriums. The atriums are designed in such a way, that they are not only visual & sensory pleasing spaces, but also are utilized as the main circulation spots for each structure, making the users interact more with the green environment.

Author: Gaini Mukhambetkazy
Studio: ARCH 202 Spring 2024
Alp Giray Köse

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402