Our design juxtaposes two grids, creating a vibrant nexus connecting the Darağaç, Şark Sanayi, and Gomel. By removing solids from the ground plane, we reveal a subterranean world: community centers, expansive ateliers, food halls, and dynamic conference spaces.

Our projects differ from institutionalized public buildings by expressing individual necessity, urgency, or responsibility. Positioning our work alongside both similar and unrelated forms generates new meanings and highlights missing programs. Transforming spaces into exhibitions, public events, learning centers, and community hubs creates a useful social network, activating potential spaces for future use and growth.

Author: Irmak Çelik – Belis Çelik
Studio: ARCH 302 Spring 2024
Aslıhan Günhan

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402