Rebuilding Ikizköy-Işıkdere

The project involves the revitalization and rehabilitation of İkizköy-Işıkdere neighborhood, which was evacuated in 2018 due to lignite coal mining near the Milas-Ören road in Muğla. The initial phase focuses on the restoration of the upper soil layers. Following the construction of new homes for the villagers will employ 3D printed concrete technology. Although concrete is not the most sustainable material, its application is justified in this already devastated terrain. Each villager will receive a ‘concrete core,’ along with a ‘Design Manual,’ providing them the opportunity to customize their single-story homes according to their preferences and needs. This includes selecting room types, as well as spaces for coops and barns.  

Author: Elif Duru Alkazan
Studio: ARCH 402 Spring 2024
Yiğit Acar, Melis Sözen

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402