QUAY-V: Connecting Downtown with The Harbour

This project reimagines Toronto’s iconic Hearn Generating Station, transforming it from a historical energy facility into a cultural and innovative hub at the junction between downtown and the harbor. The design aims to foster connectivity, acting as a catalyst for revitalizing the area while addressing environmental and social concerns through soil remediation.

The adaptive reuse of the Hearn Generating Station will bridge the gap between downtown and the harbor, promoting sustainable development and unlocking the potential of the Toronto harbor as a dynamic urban space. This thesis explores the integration of cultural and innovative functions within this landmark.

Author: Ege Kaan Bentürk
Studio: ARCH 402 Spring 2024
Ezgi İşbilen, Zeynep Ege Odabaşı

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY

Email: arch@bilkent.edu.tr

Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402