The GarboVore Vitalizer: Empowering the Zabbaleen Community

Situated on the outskirts of Cairo, Manshiyat Nasser is a marginalized informal settlement predominantly inhabited by the Zabbaleen community. Despite their pivotal role in waste management, they endure societal exclusion and lack adequate infrastructure, grappling with insufficient waste management systems, poor sanitation, and health risks. Limited access to education and economic opportunities perpetuates their cycle of poverty. 

This thesis proposes a transformative intervention in Manshiyat Nasser, emphasizing environmental sustainability, economic empowerment, and social well-being while preserving the community’s identity as recyclers. The GarboVore Vitalizer, integral to the urban development plan, evolves through phased implementation to comprehensively address community needs, integrating waste management facilities with economic, educational, social, and entrepreneurial functions to foster community cohesion and empowerment, redefining the narrative of Manshiyat Nasser.

Author: Eda Bakırkaya
Studio: ARCH 402 Spring 2024
Ezgi İşbilen, Zeynep Ege Odabaşı

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


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