Tides of Time: From Industrial Hub to Flood Resilient Future

As the tides of climate change intensify, Osaka struggles with serious flood problems due to tsunamis and heavy precipitation. Even more drastic consequences await us in the future. Projections show a significant rise in sea levels, with estimates ranging from 0.58 to 1.28 meters by the end of the century (Kato & Tajima, 2023). We should reconsider our approach to water management and embrace a more harmonious interaction with it. This paradigm shift could transform flood management strategies, allowing us to adapt to future risks. The project proposes a flood resilient multi use public center in the Sakishima district of Osaka, providing functions for a self-sustaining community. Bridges and elevated platforms, both at urban and building scales, create sustainable solutions to flood risks while enhancing the relationship between human and the urban environment.

Author: Burcu Aydın
Studio: ARCH 402 Spring 2024
Meral Özdengiz Başak

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY

Email: arch@bilkent.edu.tr

Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402