FAÇADES: Analysis of Deterioration and Graphic Representation

FAÇADES: Analysis of Deterioration and Graphic Representation A lecture and a workshop by Axel Nielsen (Nielsen Restauri, IT)


Axel Nielsen (Master in Ancient History and Archaeology, Cordoba University / Master in Conservation, University
of Genoa) is a free lance conservator and runs his own conservation laboratory in Genoa (IT). His field of specialization the conservation of stone, metals and archaeological materials. Alongside his work as a hands-on conservator he has also taught and supervised students at undergraduate and post graduate level. He collaborates with several international Institutions and Archaeological Museums in Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Turkey and Lebanon, and Universities (Cordoba University in Argentina and Bilkent University in Turkey) where he organized workshops and seminars.

23-30/March 2024

Schedule and program:

March 23:
Opening seminar: 12:30 Anatolian Civilization Museum
Field trip: 14:00-15:30 Hisarönü Mahallesı, Ulus

March 26:
Lecture: 13:30-15:20 FFB-22,

March 28-29-30:
Workshop activities: FBZ-06

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY

Email: arch@bilkent.edu.tr

Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402