
Terrainature unfolds with a conscientious integration, embracing a modest architectural scale in harmony with its components. Anchored in contextual humility, the design follows natural slopes, avoiding alterations. The mediateque serves as a dynamic knowledge hub, complemented by offices, creative clusters, and public services.

Departing from conventional landscaping, the project celebrates natural textures, using native vegetation to enhance ecological resilience. A well-crafted circulation network addresses site access, ensuring connectivity and functionality.

By minimizing environmental impact, fostering community engagement, promoting sustainable design, and prioritizing circulation, Terrainature exemplifies a thoughtful and integrated architectural approach, enriching the built environment while preserving the intrinsic beauty of the landscape.

Author: Asrın Ongun Gülmen
Studio: Arch 401 Fall 2023
Ezgi İşbilen, Zeynep Ege Odabaşı

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY

Email: arch@bilkent.edu.tr

Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402