The Matrix

The starting point of the Matrix project defies conventional site-centric paradigms, initiating its design journey without a predefined location. Our approach revolves around an innovative infinite grid system, serving as a conceptual scaffold. Within this conceptual framework, we articulate a nuanced array of dwelling units along dual axes, delineating intricacies of usage and collaborativeness. These units intricately weave a tapestry of social spaces, encompassing front porches, patios, courtyards, and squares, fostering granularity within the intricate architectural complex.

The emergent site, in Ulus, becomes the nexus where the open market converges, orchestrated along a diagonal axis mirroring the Balık Hali (fish market) in a tartan grid arrangement. This intentional juxtaposition manifests a rich dialogue between orthogonal precision and contextual resonance, particularly within the project’s crust, where residents and visitors engage in harmonious circulation.

Author(s): Irmak Çelik – Mustafa Çağlak
Studio: Arch 301 Fall 2023
 Aslıhan Günhan

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402