Conservation & Adaptive Re-use of Modern Heritage: Ulus Business Center

Ulus Business Center, a unique example of modern architecture, stands as a complex situated at the intersection of Anafartalar Street and Atatürk Boulevard. This building complex comprises seven interconnected blocks encircling two courtyards, forming the backdrop for the iconic Victory Monument in Ulus Square. Constructed during the 1950s in response to the growing demand for contemporary office and retail spaces in Ankara, this building has become an emblematic structure of the city, celebrated for its embodiment of modern architectural principles. The guiding philosophy behind its preservation and restoration endeavors is centered on revitalizing the building. The lecture by Melis Sözen, presents the background of the restoration process of the building.


Melis Sözen graduated from Bilkent University with a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture in 2017 and completed her Master’s degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage at Middle East Technical University. Her research interests revolve around the conservation of modern architectural heritage, modern social housing, post-war architecture, and 20th-century building materials. She has also worked on various architectural and urban design projects as a member of Bütüner Architects. Currently, Melis works as a conservation specialist architect, focusing on the protection and restoration of architectural heritage.

Date: 02/10/2023 Monday
Time: 12:30-13:30
Place: FFB-22

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402