Library of Crafts

Moda is one of the most artistic destinations in Istanbul. This artistic aspect contributes to the harmony created by combining a library and an atelier, offering a great experience in the area. The library is designed as a transformative and educational space, aimed at preserving and reviving the lost values of traditional crafts and craftsmanship. The building masses are carefully arranged to emphasize the linearity from both vertical and horizontal axes of the site, welcoming people from both the shoreline and the street.

The design prioritizes the honesty of materials to reflect the craftsmanship and create a sense of transmission. The interior walls of the atelier and library space are covered with translucent sheets, allowing the silhouette of studying individuals to be visible. For the facade, a composition of stone, wood, and glass is used, providing a visually appealing and inviting exterior.

Author: Talin Kış
Studio: Arch 202 Spring 2023
Segah Sak

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402