Museum of Egirdir is a cultural institution located in close proximity to the Egirdir Castle, built on a rocky hill. The museum aims to promote and preserve the cultural heritage of the town through a series of exhibitions that showcase its history and traditions, and its present. The building itself is designed to reflect the character of the castle ruins, with a custom façade featuring various patterns that allude to the different cultural influences that shaped the castle walls over time. The façade serves multiple purposes, and is supported by a glulam arch structure anchoring the building to the rocks of the hill. In areas where the building interfaces with the castle walls, detached from them are placed steel columns to prevent any stress on the historical structure. Overall, the museum and its surroundings offer visitors a unique opportunity to engage with the cultural aspects of Egirdir.

Author: Bartu Lokumcu
Studio: Arch 401 Fall 2022
Meral Ödengiz Basak

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402