Multidisciplinary Design Process Management

The presentation is mainly focusing on the multidisciplinary design process management –DPM- methodology with its key aspects that has been developed in years, throughout various real life projects in all scales with different complexity degrees. DPM is a management approach based on aligning all aspects, multiple components and exchanging information of the project phases with the requirements of conflicting project stakeholders to achieve common benefits within professional guidance and directions.

DPM enables organizations and individuals in the AEC projects to be more efficient, more effective, more flexible and much more capable of adaptability in comparison with the existing traditional project execution and delivery methods, since it offers optimization in various aspects. In brief it may be called as a “PROCESS OPTIMIZATION PROCESS”


Özge Selen Duran has her graduate and master’s degree from METU Department of Architecture and still continuing to her PhD Degree on Multidisciplinary Design Process Management at the same department.

Within 20 years of professional practice that she has run in her partnership offices; she has realized various architectural projects, with some of which she has had been awarded. Professionally she has specialized on the ‘Multidisciplinary Design Process Management’ as well as on the project coordination and process optimizations in complex AEC projects.

Duran is continuing her academic career with the congresses at which she publishes papers and the seminars she gives in different universities on multidisciplinary project process management. Currently she is working as a part-time Instructor at Bilkent University and Atılım University.

Since 2012 she has been working at ONCUOGLU Architecture as general coordinator and professional consultant – responsible from total process management of all projects.

Date: 21/11/2018 Wednesday
Time: 12:30
Place: FFB-06

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


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Fax: +90-312-266-4402