Protection of Open Air Structures

The seminar focuses on the peculiar aspects of conservation policies for open air museums. In particular, the speech will offer an overview of conservation practices in monumental cemeteries addressing two specific case studies: the cemetery of Staglieno in Genova (Italy) and the cemetery of Recoleta in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Due to the value and amount of monuments (tombs, gravestones, chapels and other items) the two cemeteries are considered important open air museums able to display both architectural and artistic venues. The most influent artists from the XIXth and XXth centuries tested themselves in these places with the design of funerary structures and sculptures destined to become iconic examples of that period. Different causes are endangering this heritage that today is in a state of neglect. Different actions against deterioration, protection methodologies, and partial reconstruction interventions are examined, especially to emphasize the main different challenges posed by the structure at the mercy of elements and by those partially protected in galleries.


Axel Nielsen is a free lance conservator with MA in Architectural Conservation, University of Genova(Italy) and a MA n Ancient History, University of Cordoba (Argentina); the principal of the conservation laboratory Nielsen Restauri; an academic supervisor in the graduate and undergraduate program in Architectural Conservation, University of Genova; a consultant to the Governmental Agency for Cultural Heritage in Genova. His field of specialization is the conservation of stone, metals and archeological items. His exğertise rests on several years of work collaboration with archaelogical institutions in Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Turkey and Lebanon.

Date: Thursday, October 11, 2018
Time: 12:30
Place: FFB-06

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


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Fax: +90-312-266-4402