Integration with History

The project located on the Boztepe region on the north of Amasra. The region is a difficult area to reach in terms of location and road conditions. So my first aim was to facilitate access here by arranging the roads. Since the area is really sloped and tough and filled with too many reminsent from past I designed a layout that takes into account the historically important buildings that need to be preserved in the region. So I involve these structures in my buildings by rennovations. Inspired by the cumulative and monumental silhouette of the rock, so I tried to gradually raise my masses without disturbing the urban scale. I tried both to adapt to the natural slope of the land and to provide as much sea view and historic view. aim is to make people experience the sea view and the natural historical environment

Author: Elif Uluç
Studio: Arch 401, Fall 2023
Işıl Sencar Ertosun

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Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402