

Bilkent University Department of Architecture offers a comprehensive architectural education through its Undergraduate and Graduate programs, equipping students with the skills and knowledge to thrive globally.

The four-year undergraduate program focuses on graduating students with versatile architectural skills for worldwide practice. Design studios form the core, providing an immersive learning experience from the first year. Collaboration with other departments introduces concepts of interiors, environmental design, urban design, and landscape architecture in the second year. Specialized third and fourth-year studios enable students to refine their expertise. The curriculum, encompassing mathematics, physics, arts, and culture, emphasizes energy efficiency, sustainability, and historical preservation. Summer practices prepare students for professional life.

The Master of Science in Architecture, a two-year research-based program, enhances students’ architectural design skills and critical thinking. Applicants with a Bachelor of Architecture or related B.S. degree are invited to specialize in areas such as History and Theory, exploring social, cultural, historical, and theoretical aspects of architecture. Architectural Technologies embrace current technologies in architecture, from building science to digital technologies. Urban Studies tackle contemporary issues in urban design, politics, and environmental history. Culminating in a thesis, the program ensures graduates excel in leadership roles within the dynamic architectural landscape. Bilkent University Department of Architecture prepares students for a future where creativity meets technological innovation.

Department of Architecture Bilkent University FF-304A
06800 Ankara – TURKEY


Phone: +90-312-290-3463
Fax: +90-312-266-4402